Where does yerba mate come from?
Yerba mate scientific name is ilex paraguariensis. The name refers to a native tree of the Paraná Jungle, which in a wild state can reach a height of between 12 and 16 meters in height.
To facilitate harvesting, these types of plants are harvested up to twice a year at a height of two meters.
The origin
The origin dates back to the Guaraní people, who used the leaves of the tree as a cult drink and currency.
During the long journeys through the jungle, the Spanish conquerors noticed that the Guarani had greater resistance after drinking this drink that was already sacred to them.
Later, the Jesuit people introduced the crop in the reductions and contributed to its diffusion and commercialization, to the point that the infusion then became known as Jesuit tea.
In the southamerican region it is performed in Argentina and Brazil. In the first case it is in Misiones and the northeast of Corrientes, while in the Brazilian country in the state of Río Grande Do Sul.
In 2019, in both countries the ground and packaged yerba mate for the domestic market was about 300 billion, reaching record figures worldwide.

What are the best thermos brands for mate?
It is, without a doubt, one of the best known brands, not only because it actually has a great track record, but also because its quality is really superlative to the rest.
It is characterized by its high quality and keeps liquids hot for hours and hours (up to 24 to be exact). Over more than 100 years of history of the brand, they have always guide a path of innovation to find the best way to transport food. In addition, it is one of the few on the market that can withstand heavy blows without major drawbacks.
However, the problem with this thermos is that its genesis was not designed to prime mates. So, for many, it is way too heavy and makes no sense to have it, due to the fact that it´s significant weight makes it more difficult to be constantly carried.
The other drawback is that it does not have the famous primer spout, which allows the water to come out directly through a tube. Those who use Stanley thermos must get used to priming with the screw cap.
2- Thermolar
This brand has a long history in the local market and is one of the first to incorporate the feeder spout, thus being a pioneer. The advantage that it has is exactly the opposite of the Stanley: it is easy to carry.
Its handle is known by being practical and comfortable, plus it is just the right size for holding the container. In addition, its cap has a pressure release.
In general terms, it has nothing to envy its previous competitor, although a weak point is its capacity and some differences in quality. While the Stanleys offer a maximum load of 2 litres, the Thermolar reaches only 1.5.
Although it is true that half a liter does not make a big difference, for many who share the mate, it ends up being a problem.
Just as we told you that the primer spike was vital, in case it falls very hard against the floor or a hard surface, it will surely suffer damage that is noticeable when it comes to priming the dunks.
3- Thermos
It is a large capacity thermos but, to tell the truth, little has been seen on the market. It will allow us to make barleys with our mate without any problem and it will hold hot water for long hours.
Of the three that we compared, this is undoubtedly the one that most resembles the Stanley due to its a great track record and is an element that is prepared to withstand the daily grind of any person.
Their major drawback is its handle, since it is made of plastic (which makes it too noisy). It is also easy to break when too much pressure is exerted on it. Despite this, it is also an easy-to-transport kind of thermos.
Top three best teas in the world
Don’t miss out on knowing what the best teas are like in Japan, China or India. These three countries are the ones that produce the best quality product and usually export them all over the world.
1- Japan: green tea
In this country, green tea is usually drunk constantly during the day, as if it were a mate to us. Green tea is not highly fermented, but its production is rapid and its taste is smooth, like chamomile tea.
In recent times, the Japanese market has been able to diversify and bring out new varieties, while maintaining its unique and well known flavour.
2- China, the one with the great production
It is one of the countries, by no surprise, that is characterized by having a massive production of tea. This production goes both for internal consumption and to exports (even to a higher degree). Due to the wide range of flavors found here, those who travel to the Asian country usually take advantage of it and try all kinds of teas.
3- India, synonymous with black tea
The tea industry origins in India grew based on the production of black tea in two versions: assam or darjeeling. These are the most classic types and are native from the region. They are characterized by having a strong flavor (opposite to green tea varieties).
However, due to the influence of China in the market, an uncountable number of more varieties can be found today.
In these three countries you can find the true flavor of tea, which has permeated societies and reached our latitudes, despite the fact that the workhorse here is mate.